
Клиника Традиционной Китайской Медицины "НаньмуНан" Харбин

Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine «NanmuNan» 楠木南Harbin.

Address: 哈尔滨市南岗区王岗大街纳帕英郡商服S42,S43, Harbin, Nangang District, NaPa KingTown

+86 158 4656 5815 +86131 11907478, skype: nanmunan8, почта: hainan.med@yandex.com


Клиника Традиционной Китайской Медицины "НаньмуНан" Харбин

Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine «NanmuNan» 楠木南Harbin.

Address: 哈尔滨市南岗区王岗大街纳帕英郡商服S42,S43, Harbin, Nangang District, NaPa KingTown

+86 158 4656 5815 +86131 11907478, skype: nanmunan8, почта: hainan.med@yandex.com


Клиника Традиционной Китайской Медицины "НаньмуНан" Харбин

Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine «NanmuNan» 楠木南Harbin.

Address: 哈尔滨市南岗区王岗大街纳帕英郡商服S42,S43, Harbin, Nangang District, NaPa KingTown

+86 158 4656 5815 +86131 11907478, skype: nanmunan8, почта: hainan.med@yandex.com


Клиника Традиционной Китайской Медицины "НаньмуНан" Харбин

Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine «NanmuNan» 楠木南Harbin.

Address: 哈尔滨市南岗区王岗大街纳帕英郡商服S42,S43, Harbin, Nangang District, NaPa KingTown

+86 158 4656 5815 +86131 11907478, skype: nanmunan8, почта: hainan.med@yandex.com


Клиника Традиционной Китайской Медицины "НаньмуНан" Харбин

Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine «NanmuNan» 楠木南Harbin.

Address: 哈尔滨市南岗区王岗大街纳帕英郡商服S42,S43, Harbin, Nangang District, NaPa KingTown

+86 158 4656 5815 +86131 11907478, skype: nanmunan8, почта: hainan.med@yandex.com

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Лечение Методами ТКМ в Харбине:
Китайский WeChat -- ID:nanmunan8

Diagnosis: a 2-sided sensorineural hearing loss of 4 degrees to the left, the deafness on the right. No speech

Any mother dreams of a healthy child and does everything to make him happy. My name is Lily. I'm 33 years old, I work at home. My son Millen Ramil 02.12.2006, we live in the Republic of Tatarstan Almetyevsk. Diagnosis: a 2-sided sensorineural hearing loss of 4 degrees to the left, the deafness on the right. No speech. Since 2009. due to the lack of speech, examinations in clinics began. At first, we diagnosed a residual organic lesion of the brain in the form of delay of psycho-speech development. A course of treatment was prescribed for 6 months. No result. Began examination of hearing ABR. Diagnosis: auditory function is not impaired. Consult a neurologist. A course of treatment has been prescribed. No result. Re-examination of the ABR. Diagnosis: auditory function is not impaired. In question alalia. Alalia has not been confirmed. With 30.11.11 on 19.12.12 on my own initiative were passed 5 courses of microcurrent reflexology. There was a very weak dynamic. Examination, EEG, MRI, EEG monitoring night's sleep. In July, 2013 in Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan make the diagnosis without questions: bilateral sensorineural hearing loss of 4 degrees (threshold with deafness). In 2014 the disability was received. Moved to live in Ufa to study in correctional school. Purchased Phonak Naida Q. the Apparatus permanently set up, but Ramil could not long be in them, start having severe headaches. In 2015 returned to live in Almetyevsk, went to correctional boarding school. 2017 Ramil is on family learning. From 2013 to 2016, 5 Dolphin therapy courses were held in Yevpatoriya, Republic of Crimea. There was a dynamic in the psycho-emotional state. From December 2016 to may 2017, 4 courses of Tomatis treatment in Togliatti were completed. There was a little speech and perception have improved. I as a mom always looking for something to the effect of no intervention, surgery and chemical medication I refused. From 1 to 28 December 2017 Ramil completed the first course of treatment at the clinic Nanmunan Harbin. There was a very positive dynamic. Calls numbers from 1 to 100 and back, but before he could utter a further 5. Examples of solve could call the numbers there. In speech the words appeared. My right ear began to distinguish some sounds. After treatment there was rehabilitation for 2 months at home. Invitation to the second year in the clinic from March 15 to April 30, 2018. The child has a chance to recover, but at least 4-5 more courses of treatment are needed. I raise a child alone, there is no support from the father. I make my own money, but I can't afford it alone. All that could be gathered with friends and relatives in the first year. Please help. All necessary documents are available, a report on the treatment will be provided. mother Liliya + 79274571191

-------- Пересылаемое сообщение --------
От кого: Лилия <lilja_almet@mail.ru>

Рамиль начал второй курс лечения с 15 марта. После первого курса была хорошая динамика. Что-то стал правым ухом различать - это точно. По обследованию правое ухо полную глухоту ставили, да и он сам им совсем не слышал, сейчас какие-то звуки различает. Новые слова появились, восприятие улучшилось. Правда пока большие сложности с постановкой звуков, работы ещё много. Понятия предметов намного лучше стало, раньше вообще как-будто не воспринимал внешней информации. Общаемся сейчас намного проще, правда понимаю его пока только я, но мне даже разъясняться с ним сейчас легче. Лечение дорогостоящее. В неделю уходит 1200 $ на лечение. Своими силами мы оплатили полностью первый курс 10000 $ и половину второго 4800 $. Чтобы закончить второй курс лечения, получить лекарства на реабилитацию и билеты в Россию, не хватает суммы 3500 $. Прошу о помощи всех неравнодушных.

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