
Клиника Традиционной Китайской Медицины "НаньмуНан" Харбин

Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine «NanmuNan» 楠木南Harbin.

Address: 哈尔滨市南岗区王岗大街纳帕英郡商服S42,S43, Harbin, Nangang District, NaPa KingTown

+86 158 4656 5815 +86131 11907478, skype: nanmunan8, почта: hainan.med@yandex.com


Клиника Традиционной Китайской Медицины "НаньмуНан" Харбин

Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine «NanmuNan» 楠木南Harbin.

Address: 哈尔滨市南岗区王岗大街纳帕英郡商服S42,S43, Harbin, Nangang District, NaPa KingTown

+86 158 4656 5815 +86131 11907478, skype: nanmunan8, почта: hainan.med@yandex.com


Клиника Традиционной Китайской Медицины "НаньмуНан" Харбин

Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine «NanmuNan» 楠木南Harbin.

Address: 哈尔滨市南岗区王岗大街纳帕英郡商服S42,S43, Harbin, Nangang District, NaPa KingTown

+86 158 4656 5815 +86131 11907478, skype: nanmunan8, почта: hainan.med@yandex.com


Клиника Традиционной Китайской Медицины "НаньмуНан" Харбин

Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine «NanmuNan» 楠木南Harbin.

Address: 哈尔滨市南岗区王岗大街纳帕英郡商服S42,S43, Harbin, Nangang District, NaPa KingTown

+86 158 4656 5815 +86131 11907478, skype: nanmunan8, почта: hainan.med@yandex.com


Клиника Традиционной Китайской Медицины "НаньмуНан" Харбин

Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine «NanmuNan» 楠木南Harbin.

Address: 哈尔滨市南岗区王岗大街纳帕英郡商服S42,S43, Harbin, Nangang District, NaPa KingTown

+86 158 4656 5815 +86131 11907478, skype: nanmunan8, почта: hainan.med@yandex.com

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Аэропорт Гонконг Трансфер, Hong Kong карта терминал1, 2 информация, фото карта гонконга

Аэропорт Гонконг Трансфер, Hong Kong карта терминал1, 2 информация, фото карта гонконга
Arrivals Procedures
Arriving passengers please follow the simple steps below to complete the arrival procedures.
Please have the following documents ready before proceeding to the Immigration Hall:

    * A valid passport; and a completed arrival card, which is distributed by your airline before landing, or else, please pick up the card in the Immigration Hall;
    * Hong Kong Identity Card for Hong Kong citizens.

Baggage reclaim
After immigration check, please proceed to the Baggage Reclaim Hall to pick up your bags. Please contact your airline for lost or damaged baggage.

Customs and Excise
You may proceed to Customs and Excise control after reclaiming your bags. Use the red channel if you have items to declare, if not, use the green channel. For declaration guidelines, please go to this website.

Meet and greet
Big plasma TV panels installed in both Arrivals Hall A and B in Terminal 1 allow meeters and greeters to see their arriving friends and relatives right as they enter the Buffer Halls. There is a good selection of food outlets and shops, passengers and other airport visitors can easily get what they want in the halls.

To & From Airport

Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) is served by a highly efficient and comprehensive transport network, making it easy to get to and from.

Arriving and departing passengers have plenty of choice. The Airport Express links HKIA directly to Hong Kong's central business district and buses connect the airport with most of the city.

While taxis and coaches provide additional choices for passengers, there are also limousines which take passengers to their destinations directly.

карта гонконга

Passengers have plenty of choices to get to and from the airport. The Airport Express links Hong Kong International Airport directly to Hong Kong's central business district and buses connect the airport with most of the city. While taxis and coaches provide additional choices for passengers, there are also limousines to take passengers to their destinations directly. HKIA is also well-connected with the Pearl River Delta by land and sea transports.
Transfer / Transit Procedures

If you are taking a connecting flight at Hong Kong International Airport, please pay attention to the steps below.
If you have an onward boarding pass, please:

    * Follow the directional sign to departures level for boarding gates;
    * Go through security screening;
    * Check your gate number and time, and reach your boarding gate at least 30 minutes before departures time.

For passengers without an onward boarding pass, please:

    * Check your airline desk's location ;
    * Follow the directional sign to the designated Airline Desk Areas E1, E2 or W1 for check-in;
    * Follow the directional sign to departures level for boarding gates;
    * Go through security screening;
    * Check your gate number and time, and reach your boarding gate at least 30 minutes before departures time.

Visa & Tourist Information

Hong Kong Tourism Board visitor information services

Visitors to Hong Kong can get comprehensive information on the city from a variety of outlets in the Arrivals Hall at Hong Kong International Airport. There are stands displaying a wide variety of literature and plasma TV showing videos. There are also two Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) Visitor Information Centres in the Buffer Halls on the Arrivals Level offering colourful and informative brochures.

Visitors can also get information from the HKTB website or by calling the visitor hotline. Visitors are also welcome to visit the HKTB Visitor Centres in Tsim Sha Tsui and the Peak Piazza.
Location     :     Buffer Hall A & B, Terminal 1
Telephone     :     +852 2508 1234 (09:00 – 18:00 daily)
Service Hours     :     08:00 - 21:00
Website     :     www.DiscoverHongKong.com

Advice to visitors

Due to the differences in legislations of different countries, some items which are legal in other countries may be considered illegal in Hong Kong. Please click here for more details about the types of illegal items in Hong Kong and some crime prevention tips.

Информация о погоде Гонконг - http://www.hongkongairport.com/weather/eng/weather.jsp

Сайт аэропорта Гонконг - http://www.hongkongairport.com/eng/index.html

Источник: http://china-tcm.ru/



Welcome to HKIA

Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) is located less than five flying hours from half of the world's population. We are the world’s busiest cargo gateway and one of the world’s 10 busiest passenger airports.

In 2011, 53.9 million passengers used HKIA and some 3.9 million tonnes of air cargo passed through Hong Kong. HKIA is connected to about 160 destinations, including around 40 in the Mainland, through over 900 daily flights by over 100 airlines.

Since we commenced operations in July 1998, we adhere to four principles – Safety, Operational Efficiency, Customer Convenience and Environment. This commitment has earned us the recognition as the world's best airport over 50 times.

HKIA is a two-terminal and two-runway facility generating enormous social and economic value for Hong Kong. The 65,000-strong airport community serves as the key contributor to Hong Kong's position as a leading international and regional aviation centre.

Multi-modal Mainland connections

HKIA is a gateway of China. To serve growing demand, we will continue to strengthen our integrated, multi-modal transport network with the Mainland, especially the PRD.

Every day, cross-boundary coaches carry passengers on about 460 round trips linking HKIA with 115 PRD cities and towns. Passengers looking for point-to-point transport services can use the cross-boundary limousine to get to your PRD destinations directly.

The SkyPier cross-boundary ferry service connects passengers between the PRD and international destinations via HKIA, in comfort and without going through immigration and customs formalities in Hong Kong.

Eight ports – Shekou and Fuyong in Shenzhen , Guangzhou Nansha, Dongguan Humen, Zhongshan, Zhuhai Jiuzhou as well as Macao's Maritime Ferry Terminal and Taipa – currently offer these speedy cross-boundary arrangements. Passengers can even pre-check their baggage and obtain their boarding pass at Shekou, Macao Maritime Ferry Terminal, Macao Taipa, Fuyong and Dongguan Humen.

Building a better airport

A HK$50 billion investment, HKIA has been one of the largest engineering and architectural projects in the world. Over time, the airport has come to serve more and more planes every day. To meet the traffic growth for the medium term, we are investing over $12 billion in the development of Midfield and West Apron. 

To expand aviation support services and air cargo handling facilities, the franchise for a new air cargo terminal was awarded in early 2008. The new air cargo terminal will start operations in 2013.

To meet HKIA's long-term growth demand, we carried out a consultation exercise in 2011 to gauge public opinion on what route we should pursue for HKIA’s future development.  Findings of the consultation revealed that over 70% of respondents supported the proposal to expand HKIA into a three-runway system . We subsequently submitted our recommendations to the Government to adopt, for planning purposes, the three-runway option as the future development direction for HKIA. In March 2012, the Government approved these recommendations in principle. We are now conducting the statutory Environmental Impact Assessment process, preparing associated design details and studying financial options for the three-runway system. For details, please visit www.hkairport2030.com.


Международный аэропорт Гонконга - один из самых лучших и современных аэропортов мира. Он предоставляет широкий ассортимент функциональных возможностей и услуг пассажирам, приезжающим и покидающим Гонконг. Аэропорт находится на острове в 30 минутах езды от города и предлагает прибывающим пассажирам прямой доступ к поезду, такси, автобусу, транспорту отелей и скоростным паромам до материкового Китая.
Посадочный налог и сборы
Все пассажиры старше 12 лет при отлете из Международного аэропорта Гонконга должны оплатить посадочный налог в сумме HK$120 (обычно включенный в цену билета). Это не распространяется на пассажиров прибывающих и улетающих в один и тот же день.

Кроме того существует еще сбор в сумме HK$33 для поддержки уровня безопасности и пассажирских услуг, требуемый в настоящее время от международных аэропортов.

Поездка в аэропорт и из него – в пределах Гонконга
Добраться до Международного аэропорта Гонконга и из него - просто, удобно и относительно недорого.

Поездка на высокоскоростном экспрессе, принадлежащем гонконгскому метрополитену (MTR) из аэропорта на остров Гонконг занимает примерно 24 минуты. Это наиболее быстрый вид транспорта, чтобы добраться в аэропорт и обратно. Пассажиры экспресса могут воспользоваться бесплатным челночным автобусом, перевозящим от станций Кoулун и Гонконг до основных отелей. Обе эти станции предлагают бесплатные услуги регистрации в черте города.

Такси можно легко найти на стоянке перед залом прилета. Берите красное такси, если вы едете не в Лантау (синее такси) или в Новые территории (зеленое). Все такси могут въезжать на территорию аэропорта и выезжать из нее. Оплата производится по счетчику, а условия оплаты и дополнительные сборы указаны в каждом такси.

Имеется девять удобных автобусных маршрутов «А», автобусы которых доставят вас до всех ключевых мест в городе, делая меньше остановок, чем обычный городской автобус. При выходе из зала прилета поверните направо, чтобы добраться до остановки специальных и городских автобусов.

Прокат автобусов и лимузинов
Прилетающие пассажиры, которым требуются личные лимузины, микроавтобусы, фургоны и автобусы для туристических групп, могут зарезервировать их в транспортных компаниях. Офисы этих компаний расположены в зале прилета (Терминал 1) и на автобусной станции (Терминал 2).

От пирса Тунь Чунь до Туен Мун в Новых территориях можно добраться с помощью парома.
Из аэропорта в материковый Китай
Транзитные пассажиры, следующие через любой из шести портов Pearl River Delta на пароме, не должны проходить через паспортный контроль и таможню в аэропорту Гонконга. Билеты можно приобрести на стойке Ferry Transfer Desk, около Центра обслуживания клиентов в зале прилета. После прохода через службу безопасности в зоне Е1 пассажиры едут на автобусе до расположенного рядом пирса "Скай" и там пересаживаются на скоростной паром.


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